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Why Teach?

by Education Blog

Posted on April 5, 2018

Eighteen years ago I started my career in education as a freshman geography teacher at my alma mater Deer Creek High School.  At the time, Deer Creek was a small 2A high school, but over the years it has grown to 6A in size. That first day I walked into that classroom full of students, I’m sure they all thought what is this guy doing, it fact as I can remember one former teacher of mine passing me in the hallway and saying to me “what are you doing here?”  I survived, and luckily so did they, but what a steep learning curve that was for me. You see, I didn’t go to college to be a teacher, in fact I wanted to go to law school and eventually be in the FBI. After one semester of college I realized that law school was probably not for me, and I wanted to work with kids. I also probably wasn’t the most prepared student for college, and didn’t think I could complete law school, but that is for another blog.  When I look back on my life my heroes, the people that had the greatest impact on my life were educators. What made them heroes? I think there were two qualities that these folks shared.

It's all about the kids.  I have been fortunate to work for great administrators and with great teachers throughout my career.  The ones that have made the biggest impact on my philosophy would always say to me, “when you make a decision, ask yourself if it is best for kids.”  I know what your thinking, what about the teachers, staff,and parents shouldn't our decisions serve them well also? I would hope they would say yes, that they would give input, and feedback, but ultimately remember students and the educational process comes first.  

The second thing I have learned is it’s never about one person.  Sometimes the word “I” gets used a lot in our society. I know I’m guilty of it at times, and have resolved to get better at phrasing statements with “I”.  Education can never just about “me,” or “you,” or “my” it has to be about all of “us.” There are so many great things that happen in our schools each day for students, there is no way one person could do it all.  All of “us” working together make great things happen each day.


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